You will initialize and connect your node to the Lightstreams test blockchain network called Sirius. The nodes use the blockchain network for deploying and controlling smart contracts.
Smart Vault uses smart contracts for managing files access permissions.
leth run --nodeid=1 --network=sirius --https
2020-03-30T16:49:46.650+0200 INFO lethnode/node.go:162 Starting Leth Node online/offline services...
2020-03-30T16:49:46.652+0200 INFO lethnode/node.go:186 Starting Leth Blockchain online service...
2020-03-30T16:49:46.653+0200 INFO lethnode/node.go:189 Waiting for Leth Blockchain service to start...
2020-03-30T16:49:46.822+0200 INFO lethexec/exec.go:21 LN-SIRIUS: Running '/Users/enchanterio/go/bin/lightchain' with args: 'lightchain, run, --datadir=/Users/enchanterio/.lightstreams_2/sirius, --tmt_rpc_port=26757, --tmt_p2p_port=26756, --rpc, --rpcaddr=, --rpcport=8645, --rpcapi, eth,net,web3,personal,debug, --rpcvhosts=localhost, --rpccorsdomain=*, --ws, --wsaddr=, --wsport=8646'
2020-03-30T16:49:56.653+0200 INFO lethnode/node.go:192 Connecting to SIRIUS network...
2020-03-30T16:49:56.664+0200 INFO lethnode/node.go:448 Ethereum client is now fully synced and available!
2020-03-30T16:49:58.197+0200 INFO lethnode/node.go:230 Starting Leth IPFS online service...
2020-03-30T16:49:58.198+0200 INFO lethnode/node.go:233 Starting Leth RegistryDB offline service...
2020-03-30T16:49:58.199+0200 INFO lethnode/node.go:240 Starting Leth SmartVault online service...
2020-03-30T16:49:58.199+0200 INFO lethregistry/registry.go:323 RegistryDB is at the latest migration version {"version": "1"}
2020-03-30T16:49:58.225+0200 INFO lethnode/node.go:270 Starting Leth HTTP online service on port 9092...
2020-03-30T16:49:58.225+0200 INFO lethnode/node.go:254 Starting Leth RevokedFiles offline service...
2020-03-30T16:49:58.225+0200 INFO lethnode/node.go:265 Starting Leth TokenCache offline service...
2020-03-30... All Leth online/offline services are up and running!
Stopping the node
You can stop a node at any time by pressing Ctrl+C
OPTIONAL: Create a Second Node
Smart Vault is all about peer-to-peer content sharing. If you are interested in Smart Vault, sooner or later you will want to share a file between two nodes. To have two Smart Vault nodes running locally on the same computer to test the peer-to-peer behaviour of sharing files then run the following commands: